Economic Development
City of Greenfield Economic Development Authority
The main goals of the Economic Development Authority are to help strengthen our community's businesses, partner with community organizations, and attract new businesses to the City of Greenfield.
The City of Greenfield's quality of life is second to none. The community work ethic is strong as residents dedicated to their goals pursue economic and personal satisfaction.
The City of Greenfield is uniquely positioned for economic growth in the coming years. Greenfield is a great community to locate a new business or industry, or to expand a current one. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities that might exist for you at 763.477.6464.
The city's main attributes for development can be a PLUS for expanding or creating a new business or industry. The PLUS is shown in our:
Position: Greenfield is located halfway between Plymouth and Buffalo.
This places the city at the nexus, right on the Highway 55 corridor.
Labor: Locating in Greenfield opens the door to a wide-ranging
labor market.
Utilities: The City of Greenfield has water and sewer capacities to
meet almost any need. The water and sewer utilities are
managed and owned by the City.
Support: The City of Greenfield is supportive of businesses and
industries wishing to establish and grow in the
community. We are happy to discuss the different
types of assistance that might be available to make
your plan a reality.
The City of Greenfield works closely with the Rockford/Greenfield Chamber of Commerce, to enhance the business and industry development in the community. The Rockford/Greenfield Chamber of Commerce can be viewed by clicking on the following link: